In a few words, How do you want your children to be when they grow up?
Thousands of parents answer "happiness," "independence,” “life satisfaction”, "being polite,” and so on. I am sure you would agree.
At JISPP, we place great importance on nurturing the foundation of so-called “non-cognitive skills” are during early childhood, so that when children grow up, they will be able to lead “independent” and “happy” lives.

I have been working in education in Cambodia for over 10 years. I have taught more than 5,000 students from public and private schools, mainly in primary education, as well as in projects with the Ministry of Education in Cambodia.
I noticed a big difference in the attitude of the children at the primary school level. Some children, even when faced with difficult problems in class, say "I love challenges" and do not give up; they are motivated, proactive, and seem to enjoy learning. However, there were also children who gave up the moment they faced a difficult problem, were afraid to try because they were afraid of making a mistake, and did nothing until the teacher instructed them to do something without taking the initiative.

When I observed what made the difference between the two, I found that the environment of the preschool and the home seemed to have an impact. I found that in Phnom Penh, there are many environments where teachers and caregivers help too much and do not nurture independence, where children become afraid of making mistakes because they are too concerned about the learning results, and where the lifestyle is unhealthy.
It is said that most of the initiative, motivation, self-esteem, and the ability to never give up so-called “non-cognitive skills”are developed in the early years of life. The importance of laying the foundation for these non-cognitive skills by the age of six, when brain development is at its peak, is now attracting worldwide attention. Many studies have shown that early childhood education and non-cognitive skills have a significant impact on future income and happiness. Perry Program, The Importance of Non-Cognitive Skills
In order to develop these "non-cognitive skills," in other words, to lay the foundation for a happy and independent life in the future, we are partnering with Mammy's Family and Think!Think!, a leading Japanese educational company, to provide children with a variety of programs. We use active learning, student-centered learning and learning through play approaches to interact with students on a daily basis.

We believe that all children are born with unlimited potential and are born to be happy.
Children who grow up in our environment will use their potential to pioneer innovations
beyond our wildest imaginations to clear the way for the future we all desire.
Looking forward to such a future, we work with a sense of thrill to bring you our service.
Our mission is simple. To make an impact on society.